Atlas Fallen MONSALAR: Bastengar’s Underground All Collectible Locations

This guide will show you where to find every collectible in MONSALAR: Bastengar’s Underground.

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Here you will find the locations of all collectibles in the MONSALAR: Bastengar’s Underground region. This includes All Gauntlet Shards, All Lore Items, All Armor Sets, All Cosmetics, All Essence Stones (And Formulas), All Treasure Maps, Treasure Map Fragments & Trasures, All Wildliffe Habitats, All Watchtowers, All Anvils, All Heavenly Shrines, All Vantage Points, All Idols, All Sand Echos, All Elite Foes, All Sealing Totems & Forgotten Paths.

MISSABLE COLLECTIBLES: Make sure you finish the “Valery’s Trail” side quest before returning to Khendra (this side quest will get you the “Helmet Of A Lothville Knight” cosmetic item).

This guide will follow this structure (if you follow it step by step you will get everything without missing anything):

  • Collectibles from story quests (anything like missable side quests or collectibles will also be mentioned inbetween).

  • Collectibles from side quests.

  • Open world collectibles & shops.

  • Gauntlet Shards

Cosmetic (Dark Silver Dye). During the “From Beliefs To Trust” story quest you will get an optional objective to check on Arif in his cell. Go check on him and finish the side quest he gives you to get the collectible.

Anvil #1. Obtained automatically during the story after defeating the Spiker boss.

Lore (Valery’s Research Journal), Armor (Deadeye’s Attire) & Gauntlet Shard x3. Obtained automatically during the story after examining the room and opening the chest on the bottom floor of the Sunken Palace.

MISSABLE Cosmetic (Helmet Of A Lothville Knight), Lore (Valery Of Bastengar In Lothville: Another One), Lore (Valery Of Bastengar In Lothville: Gauntlet), Lore (Valery Of Bastengar In Lothville: Second God) & Lore (Valery Of Bastengar In Lothville: Solea). After investigating Valery’s research camp you will automatically start the side quest “Valery’s Trail”. Make sure you find the journals before returning to Khendra to finish the quest and get the cosmetic. If you return to Khendra without finding the journays you will not be able to finish this side quest.

Active Formula VIII. Obtained automatically during the “From Beliefs To Trust” story quest.

Formula XII. Obtained by finishing the “A Mother’s Request” side quest.

In The Market Treasure Map & Sealing Stone #1. The Treasure Map is obtained by finishing the “Fallen Knights” side quest. During this side quest you will also have to activate a Sealing Totem to open a blocked gate.

Lore (A Prayer To Nyaal) x3 & Essence Stone (Shared Suffering). Go to the sunken palace and finish the Sealing Stone (the same one mentioned above) to open the gate on the bottom floor covered with blue runes. Once you go through the gate you will automatically start the “The Forgotten Shrine” side quest. During this side quest you will get 3 Lore Items from 3 chests in the area and an Essence stone once you examine the altar at the end of the area.

Anvil #2. Found just outside the main settlement.

Forgotten Path #1 & Cosmetic (Helmet Of A Knight Of Old). Activate and follow the Forgotten path to the end to get the cosmetic. You will need the “Reveal” gauntlet upgrade to activate it (you get this in the Wildlands region during the story).

Cosmetic (Jousting Shield: Lothville). Found in the chest above the anvil outside the gates.

Vantage Point #1. Use the rocks to get to the rooftops. From there, dash across to the Vantage Point on the broken bridge.

Lore (Entry One: The Royal Family). Found to your left as soon as you go through to the main settlement (this lore will only spawn after returning to Khendra after getting the triple air dash).

Cosmetic (Iron Grey Dye). Found in a chest in the small room to the south of the previous lore.

Lore (Entry Two: War Of The Gods). Found in the tunnel under the area with the soupmaker and the drunk knights (this lore will only spawn after returning to Khendra after getting the triple air dash).

Sand Echo #1. Found in the same room as the previous collectible.

Lore (Leadership). Found on the round table.

Lore (Entry Three: A Gruesome God). In the corner of the same room as the previous lore (this lore will only spawn after returning to Khendra after getting the triple air dash).

Lore (Arif’s Past Role: Second Part). Found on the northern rooftops of the plaza.

Sealing Totem #2 & Cosmetic (The Helmet Of A Knight Of Bastengar). You can find the Sealing Totem on the northwest rooftops of the plaza. Follow the light to the end to find the cosmetic in a chest.

Lore (Khendra’s Letter To Her Sister). Found in the small room with the murals to the north of the plaza.

Lore (Tracker And The Knights) & Lore (Arif’s First Role: First Part). Found on the wooden structure outside the walls. These 2 lores are in the exact same place (you can pick it up twice to get 2 different lores). This could be a bug that gets fixed on release!

Lore (Bucket List). Cross the bridge to the area with the prison cells. The lore will be in the cell on the right.

Essence Stone (Piercing Parry). Obtained by talking to the knight that can be found just before the cave area that connects the north part of the region to the south.

Essence Stone (Golden Guardian). Found in the cave that connects the south and north part of the region.

Anvil #3. Found on the main path as you enter the northern part of the region.

Cosmetic (Old Bronze Dye). In a chest behind the door with chains on it. To open these doors you will need the “Crush” gauntlet ability. You will get this ability in the Wildlands area during the story.

Idol Of Voracity. Found by digging up a chest down the well.

Treasure (In The Market) & Active Formula VI. Dig up the treasure under the statue near the well. You will only be able to do this if you have the “In The Market” treasure map (obtained from the “Fallen Knights” side quest).

Cosmetic (Jousting Shield: Eternal Sun). Found in the chest with chains (you will need the “Crush” gauntlet ability to open it that you get in the Wildlands during the main story).

Vantage Point #2. On the rooftops of the buildings to the north of the well.

Sealing Totem #3 & Cosmetic (True Guardian Helmet). The Sealing Totem can be found on the top floor of the destroyed building to the northeast of the well (You will need the “crush” ability to activate it). Follow the lights to the end to get the cosmetic from the chest.

Forgotten Path #2. You will need the “Reveal” gauntlet upgrade to activate it (you get this in the Wildlands region during the story).

Idol Of Persecution. Found in the chest guarded by the large enemy.

Cosmetic (Griffin Chestplate). Found in the red chest on the rooftops (requires the “Crush” gauntlet ability).

Heavenly Shrine #1. Found in plain sight behind the buildings.

Essence Stone (Momentum Guard). In the chest guarded by the large enemy.

Elite Foe (Devorur) & Essence Stone (Avid Generation). Defeat and loot the Elite Foe to get the Essence Stone.

Cosmetic (Lemon Dye). Found in a chest guarded by enemies on the top floor of the building where the Elite Foe is found.

Anvil #4. From the gryffin statues, triple dash across to the statues on the other side. Then, enter the room on the right. The anvil will be inside.

Formula XI. Found in the chest to the left of the previous Anvil.

Formula XIII. In the chest near the dragon statue.

Forgotten Path #3. First, activate and finish the Sealing Totem in the sunken palace to open the gate with the blue runes on the bottom floor. Once you go through the gate, the Forgotten Path will be in plain sight in the next area.

Anvil #5. Found at the end of the altar area. To get here, finish the Sealing Totem in the sunken palace to open the gate on the bottom floor.

Forgotten Path #4. Found in the same area as the prevcious Anvil.

Anvil #6, Lore (Queen’s Diary Entry: Role), Lore (Queen’s Diary Entry: Valery Of Bastengar) & Lore (Queen’s Diary Entry: Second God). To get this anvil and lore items you will have to go to the Wildlands region (the next region). Here, look for a building with chains on it in the northwest corner of Lithesta (main city in the region). Break the chain with the “Crush” ability and go down the hole. Follow this path until you enter Bastengar’s Underground again. The first lore item can be found at the bottom of the hill, the second can be found in the next room with the Anvil and the final can be found on your left after going down the stairs.

Cosmetic (Lothville Crown). Found on top of the arch just above the previous Anvil.

Knight Vendor. This merchant will sell you the following collectibles:

- Active Formula VII
- Cosmetic (Royal Green Dye)
- Cosmetic (Desaturated Bronze Dye)

Travelling Merchant. This merchant will move around. Look out for his Kite to find him (in this region he has 2 possible spawns, the first in the area below the graveyard and the second on the side of the cliff looking out to the sunken palace). He will sell you the following collectibles:

- Essence Stone (Decelerating Parry)
- Essence Stone (Healing Strike)
- Cosmetic (Silver Dye)
- Cosmetic (Pearl White Dye)

Gauntlet Shard #4. This shard will only become available once you get the “Crush” ability and the game makes you upgrade it (story mission in the “Wildlands” region). To get it, raise the building on the right of the anvil to get to a door you have to open with the “Crush” ability. Inside, dig up the holes until you find the shard.

Gauntlet Shard #5. This shard will only become available once you get the “Crush” ability and the game makes you upgrade it (story mission in the “Wildlands” region). Get if by jumping and triple dashing across to the wooden platform with the griffon statues. Here, open the door with the “Crush” ability to get the shard.

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