Star Wars Jedi Survivor Path Of Persistence Puzzle Solution

You can find the Path Of Persistence puzzle by going to Kobah > Narkis Desert > Anchorite Base. From here, look right to find a rock formation with a structure on top. This puzzle is 1 of 3 puzzles in the desert needed to get one of the map upgrades.

To solve it, use the zipline and then grapple up to the area above. Here, ignore the next zipline and use the 2nd grapple point. You will soon get to an open area with an orb inside. Push this orb.

Now return to the area with the 2nd grappling point and activate the zipline. At the end push the orb. Then, return to the 1st orb and push it back to the original position.

Finally, wait until the wall stops moving to exit through the left side of the room. Here, stick to the cliff on your left and climb to the top. At the top push the orb one final time to finish the puzzle.

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